Document Type : Mini Review


Hip and Knee Surgery, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy


Background: Periprosthetic hip infections (PHIs) are troublesome complications of hip arthroplasties. The gold standard procedure for treating chronic PHI is a 2-stage approach. Recently, however, more conservative approaches have been developed to spare the osseointegrated components and avoid sequestra, bone loss, devascularization, and difficult reconstructions. The partial two-stage approach, which leaves the well-fixed component in situ and removes the loosened component, may be an effective strategy.
Objective: This paper, a narrative mini-review, analyzed the preliminary results of a partial 2-stage approach to treating chronic hip arthroplasty infections.
Methods: Pertinent papers describing the partial 2-stage approach (leaving the well-fixed component in situ and removing the loosened component) were collected and evaluated.
Results: Six main case series were selected. A total of 76 patients were included. Many patients were treated with socket removal and stem retention with quite similar surgical techniques. Many cases included highly virulent bacteria, and no pre-operative selection about comorbidities was performed. The first outcomes of this approach were promising, with a rate of infection control ranging from 81.3% to 100% at mid-term follow-up.
Conclusion: This approach proved good at mid-term follow-up; however, many concerns still exist. In particular, the indications are imprecise, and the role of biofilm is still unclear. Despite the first good outcomes, the partial 2-stage approach for chronic PHI should be validated by multicenter prospective studies.


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